Welcome to Career and Spirituality Summit
with Nancy Levin
Nancy Levin
Author | Master coach | Podcast host
Nancy Levin is a Master Coach, podcast host and bestselling author of Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free and several more. Formerly the Event Director at Hay House for over a decade, Nancy is the founder of Levin Life Coach Academy offering in-depth coaching, training and certification programs designed to support students to make themselves a priority by setting boundaries that stick.
She has guided thousands of people – including corporate CEO’s, stay-at-home moms, authors, artists, healers, entrepreneurs and other coaches – to uncover their truth in the most powerful ways, and I’ve witnessed them do some pretty amazing things.
Nancy’s group coaching program, The Growth Experience is now enrolling. This is coaching that meets you where you are. Think of this group as the scaffolding holding you while you create what you want in life. As you learn to embody exactly who you want to become, this group will hold you capable and accountable to yourself, allow you to move forward safely, securely, while fully supported. Register today, doors close February 8.
“It was an honor to be a firsthand witness to Nancy on her journey through telling the truth, letting go of the past, and making transformational changes in her world. Take her advice and you too can create a whole new life for yourself.” Louise Hay
The Transformation Equation Method Guide
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