Welcome to Career and Spirituality Summit
with Mark Pitstick

Dr. Mark Pitstick
Author | Past life regression therapist | Director of the SoulPhone Foundation
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC, has forty-nine years’ experience helping people in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers and holistic health care practice.
His training includes: bachelor of science degree in zoology (Ohio State University 1975); graduate theology studies majoring in pastoral counseling (Methodist Theological School of Ohio 1977 – 1978); master of arts in clinical psychology (Western Carolina University 1980); and doctorate in chiropractic health care (Palmer College of Chiropractic 1985). He also was trained in suicide prevention counseling and education.
When Mark was six years old, he told his parents that a beautiful sunset ‘reminds me of God.’ He became aware of occasional clairaudient and clairsentient abilities at age ten; he’s had a number of miracles, revelatory, and spiritually transformative experiences.
After working in hospitals with many suffering and dying adults and children, he was motivated to find evidence-based answers to questions that many people ask: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Will I see my departed loved ones again? Is there a God? If so, why is there so much suffering? and How can I best live during this brief earthly experience?”
Mark wrote the books Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, and The Eleven Questions with endorsements from Drs. Wayne Dyer, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, and others. He co-authored Greater Reality Living (with Gary E. Schwartz PhD), and The Big Picture of Life (with Dr. Schwartz and Katta Mapes MA, MEd).
He also produced the Soul Proof documentary film with interviews of people who had near-death experiences, after-death communications, and other eye-opening encounters. His eleven audio products use deep relaxation, breathing techniques, and guided imagery to help people deeply know and show they are integral, infinite, eternal, and beloved parts of Source.
A frequent media guest, Mark hosted Soul-utions, a radio show about practical spirituality, and Ask the Soul Doctors with interviews of top consciousness experts such as Brian Weiss MD, Caroline Myss MA, Michael Newton PhD, Anita Moorjani…
Mark provides clinical support for HelpingParentsHeal.org group leaders and Caring Listeners, and contributes to their newsletter for bereaved parents.
Mark is also certified in past life regression therapy by Brian Weiss MD, and the psychomanteum technique by Raymond Moody PhD, MD. He was also the executive vice-president of Eternea.org (started by Eben Alexander MD and John Audette MA.) and he is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, International Association for Near-Death Studies, and Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterial Sciences.
Mark has given many workshops and webinars on spiritual awareness and holistic wellness. He directs the SoulPhone Foundation, which: (1.) teaches about the collective evidence for life after death to people worldwide, and (2.) supports ‘spirit’ communication technology research and development at the University of Arizona. He is a research assistant for the SoulPhone Project at their Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.
As of 2020, data from seven controlled experiments has definitively demonstrated scientifically that life does not end after bodily death. Further, this research has demonstrated reliable communication with postmaterial (so-called ‘deceased’) persons.
Mark founded Greater Reality Living groups to help people prepare for the paradigm shift after official announcements and public demonstrations in 2021 of scientific proof of life after death. These will occur after completion of multicenter studies and development of an optimal SoulSwitch.
Identify Your Soul’s Purpose AND Create the Greatest Life YOU Have Envisioned
FYI: A list of authors and articles referenced in the interview
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