Welcome to Career and Spirituality Summit
with Mahayana I. Dugast

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Mahayana I. Dugast
Ph.D. (Metaphysical Science USA)
Mahayana I. Dugast, Ph.D. (Metaphysical Science USA), Author, Mentor & Founder of NeuroBiology Reprogramming™ (NBR™) with over 30 years of experience. Mahayana is the Founder of NeuroBiology Reprogramming™ (NBR™), a self-realization practice designed to increase your connection with your Inner Being so you can benefit from guidance, intuition and foresight.
All key attributes to navigate your life and highlight the steps you must take to create your heart’s desire. Personal or professional.
She is the author of several self-help books, among which Ultimate Resilience for Personal and Professional Success and Mind Revolution, Connecting the Dots but also of Book I of a trilogy, Ekstasis – The Return of the Sovereign Heart, all of which available in print and e-format from her Amazon author page. She has taught seminars across Europe, the USA and Asia, and has worked with people from all walks of life.
Her processes are simple and strategic, relevant and timely for the nature of the world as it stands, increasingly chaotic and ever evolving. Also a Ho’oponopono teacher and coordinator.
Master Stress For Success
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Intro to Neurobiology Reprogramming
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